About Us

Welcome to phoneslo.com – your source for mobile phone prices and specs. We are a team of tech enthusiasts who are passionate about helping you find the latest pricing information on all the top phone brands.

Our mission is simple – to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date database of phone prices on the web. We scour manufacturer websites, carrier sites, and top retail outlets to compile pricing data on all the most popular smartphone models. Whether you’re looking for the newest iPhone, the latest Samsung Galaxy, or any other phone, we’ve got all the key details – unlocked prices, payment plan pricing, tech specs, and more.

We launched phoneslo because we were tired of having to visit dozens of different sites just to find basic pricing information when we were researching new phones. So we decided to create a centralized platform that provides everything you need in one convenient spot.

As a completely independent site, we’re not biased towards any particular manufacturers. We simply gather the pricing facts so you can compare and contrast different models across brands. Our focus is on highlighting the real-world prices you can expect to pay.

The phoneslo team is comprised of long-time smartphone enthusiasts with experience spanning technology, retail, and business analytics. What unites us is a shared commitment to simplifying the phone purchase process for consumers.

We are constantly updating our vast database daily to ensure our library of phone prices and technical specifications is as fresh as can be. That way you’ll have the latest info at your fingertips when deciding which device suits your needs and budget.

So whether you’re due for your next phone upgrade, switching carriers, or just love staying on top of the latest mobile tech, make phoneslo your go-to site for phone prices. We’re thrilled to help answer the question “how much does that phone really cost?” in a quick, easy, and transparent way.

Happy phone hunting!

The Phoneslo Team